04 Май 2013 12:27

i ask myself how i can design/import my own pdfs?

Another question is: How can i set permission on records that only the author can see his records?

thanx in advance

Последние изменения: 04 Июнь 2021

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
04 Май 2013 13:20

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
05 Май 2013 20:14



The usergroup "Special" should work to restrict your access. "Special" means admins and author!

You can set default article view permission here:

Edit YourType -> Submission Parameters -> Who can view -> Special



For now, the article access is restricted for the articles's full-view. So,** by default your section list still shows your article intros to the public! **All article fields that you have set to "show intro" will be displayed.

If you need a list with titles for public, than keep the default section settings. Remember, check all necessary fields if they show in intro part ( -> YourField -> Form -> General Properties)

If you want to hide everything, and just want admins and authors... then choose the "Special" user group again. You can set another user group in section parameters...

YourSection -> Form -> Properties -> Who can see restricted records in the list -> Choose user group

08 Май 2013 07:55

Ja Österreicher! Du auch? Wo? Habe in anbetracht des doch internationalen Publikums englisch gepostet. (mein russisch ist so schlecht :-) )

09 Май 2013 23:56

Bin ich froh, dass auch deutschsprachige Cobalt verwenden. :-)

Überlege von symfony auf Cobalt umzusteigen. Hast du schon andere Sachen ausprobiert?

10 Май 2013 08:29

Naja nicht ganz! Joomla und Cobalt sind schon ziemlich mächtig. Meinst Du kann man mit Cobalt auch mehr machen als Mini-Web-Apps?

Müsste dringend Templates entwickeln. Weisst Du wo es da ein HowTo oder eine Anleitung gibt? PDF ist auch noch ein offener Punkt.

Vielleicht könnten wir mal ein wenig chatten, um die Kommunikation ein wenig flüssiger zu gestalten. Würde einiges mehr über Cobalt und seine Möglichkeiten wissen.

LG aus Wien

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
10 Май 2013 12:12

Weisst Du wo es da ein HowTo oder eine Anleitung gibt?


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Май 2013 14:41

PDF ist auch noch ein offener Punkt.

Was meinst du damit? PDFs generieren oder verwalten?

12 Май 2013 05:30

my approach is the following:

the same way you define a template in the "Type"->"General Parameters"->"Templates" an additional item is provided named: "Print Article" (like "Full Article" or "Submission Form".

I already found how to add an additional entry "Print Article"(its in the com_cobalt/xml/type.xml). But how can i add the logic behind?

12 Май 2013 05:37

as you see here :)

12 Май 2013 05:38

sorry upload does not work for me :((

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Май 2013 04:49

the same way you define a template in the "Type"->"General Parameters"->"Templates" an additional item is provided named: "Print Article" (like "Full Article" or "Submission Form".

I already found how to add an additional entry "Print Article"(its in the com_cobalt/xml/type.xml). But how can i add the logic behind?

Currently (or in general) I would not suggest to edit the cobalt core and backend.

A) Do you want re-create or mimic the deprecated PDF feature from Joomla15 versions? More or less a digital print of the current page?

B) Or do you want a total customized PDF generation from lowest level?

AFAIK, Joomla has no build-in PDF features anymore. So any writing and creating has to be added and developed. So, total custom development might be time-consuming and expensive. Maybe the following products can help as a starting point...

You might have a look at PhocaPDF (Phoca homepage parts currently offline, because of DDOS attacks)

But Docs area is online! Interesting article about J!30 and new System plugin. (german!) Maybe you should ask "Jan" in the forum if it makes sense to use this plugin with a 3rdParty content component like Cobalt.

JED entry for J25 (not updated for quite some time), but J30 is supported, AFAIK.

Another PDF related product:

eBook factory. Maybe useful? They are also speaking german and do custom modifications. Not sure about the product and workflow. Just found it yesterday.


I guess, a formatter plugin for PDF is not so trivial and easy, right? Or should it work with code from PhocaPDF?

13 Май 2013 14:06

Thank you Maik!

i can't believe, how a billing system like emerald can live without pdf generation.

i will do nearly the same. my users create bills for their customers.

So the idea is that users upload their business letter template where the bill is printed on.

Sounds easy, but it isn't!

13 Май 2013 14:08

Maik bist Du mal chattmässig online, um ein bisschen german zu quatschen/chatten?

15 Май 2013 17:01

ich ja auch (leider auch nicht mit Cobalt). Habe dein post bzgl. pdf an sergej gelesen.

seine antwort klingt leider nicht sehr euphorisch. Dein Link ist aber gut. werde das mal ausprobieren. Vielleicht geht ja wirklilch nächste Woche.


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