pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Май 2013 19:39

You are coming from Seblod CCK? You have seen a field that is not found in Cobalt? You have an idea to customize a Cobalt field with a similar functionality or input/output template? Please, post here with title, purpose, short description and screenshots ;-)

( PS: please, keep the topic clean and readable. It might become very long. I would suggest to have only 1 first level comment per field/idea. All answers and thoughts in 2nd level. TIA )

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
04 Май 2013 04:39

-The author field i love it; it display several informations in records ex : name, surname, 1 or several categories links (my personal home page, my blog), a short description (extract from personal homepage), his others topics (but that cobalt's records field does too), it is going to improved for seblod 3

-multi page form i like too

-the conditional states is great too

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
04 Май 2013 04:47

here you are ROADMAP and i'm going to test

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
05 Май 2013 09:01


A field to add html and include other fields

(Actually this isn't a field, but an option in field settings)


$cck->getValue('my_first_field_price'); $cck->getValue('my_second_field_price_format');


More control over output without custom templating

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
05 Май 2013 09:18


Concatenate any amount of fields into one value.

[Comment by user]||$userid||[on]||$date

Will result in the value

'Comment by user 42 on 2011-08-24'

Very powerful! I even used it to trigger and tweak third party plugins.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Янв 2014 19:06

My second thought: Cobalt has already a similar feature for article titles "Composite title mask". Is it possible to activate this cool feature on a certain field type? Maybe Text field? Maybe optional to prevent any performance issues... if there are any. It seems the data is already in memory, so no additonal queries...


Any thoughts or comments on this?

In general, is it possible to use this [FIELD-ID-PLACEHOLDER] feature in other places like title? Maybe where [ID], [USER-ID], [AUTHOR] are used? i.e. custom SQL parameter

Total posts: 13,748
29 Янв 2014 23:17

This is too uncertain. If you have exact use case and field, we can think what у can add. Because I am not sure what is practical application for [ID] field value in SQL query.

30 Янв 2014 04:03

Like others, Cobalt and Emerald should have a Roadmap. This will help others to know what is going to be in upcoming release.

Here is an example for Easysocial:

Total posts: 13,748
31 Янв 2014 01:00

Emerald road map is in overview at very bottom.

Cobalt roadmap is in the blog. Search it. I cannot make link our server is down now.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
02 Фев 2014 10:12

Maybe some kind of a "code" field where you can insert custom code (php)...

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Фев 2014 18:08

Maybe some kind of a "code" field where you can insert custom code (php)...

You may use one of the custom code plugins. They should run in Cobalt HTML (selectively) and textarea.

I think the following extensions have a "content plugin": DirectPHP, Jumi, Sourcerer.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
03 Фев 2014 01:59

@pepperstreet That's great, thanks.

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