Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
29 Авг 2013 10:39

Hi there, yes, I'm back :D I am nothing if not persistent (and still loyal to MintJoomla - looked around but I'm "home" here so I'll be irritating you again.

In the meantime I've upgraded to Joomla 3 (in progress), so C8 is my next journey.

I'm looking into Jomsocial or Community Builder, which you integrate with - yay!

I do believe Cobalt is the answer for the library itself, as all other components I've looked at have one major flaw: They do not allow users to upload to a single "respository / library" which is essential. I also then need users to be able to search the library for books and add them to their bookshelves - I'm thinking a kind of favorites module, which needs to display on their Jomsocial profile page.

Major question: Is this possible??

Do please say yes. I simply cannot believe that there is nothing out there that can help me to do this.

Thanks so much. It's nice to be back!:)

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
29 Авг 2013 11:00

I do believe Cobalt is the answer for the library itself

I do believe Cobalt is the answer for the library itself

Major question: Is this possible??

I do believe Cobalt is the answer for the library itself

Major question: Is this possible??

Do please say yes.


Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
29 Авг 2013 11:01

fabulous!! And is it possible to link a module to each individual jomsocial profile?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
29 Авг 2013 11:10

I also then need users to be able to search the library for books and add them to their bookshelves - I'm thinking a kind of favorites module,

You might want to look into Cobalt 8's section "Personalization" where user can have their own "Homepage" and repost articles there ... or as you stated , the "Favorite" or "Bookmark" feature of Cobalt .. adding tags to records etc. You will find a whole new playground .. :D

SSI with payToDownload field or payToAccess might be something to look into as well.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
29 Авг 2013 11:14

fabulous!! And is it possible to link a module to each individual jomsocial profile?

I dont know about jomsocials functionality...

But as an advice, try to get an idea of Cobalt 8 first, before you start "integrating" things. :D

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
29 Авг 2013 11:16

You're quite right of course, except that this is critical to the long term function of the site and I don't want to go through weeks (months) of work and stress only to find at the end that it's not possible :D

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
29 Авг 2013 11:37

Depending on your project and what you want to achieve there might be several ways to solve it.

Since CB and Jomsocial are extensions of the regualr Joomla users, therefore extensions as NoNumbers Advanced Module manager or MetaMod can be used to assign modules to individual users.

But i presume, you mean cobalt sections, categories or articles.

Then the answer is also YES ... see here - Integration of a section into the user profile

But then again, the "Personalization" feature of Cobalt 8 might be exactly what you are looking for ...

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
29 Авг 2013 13:29

Thank you for this, I'll look through these. No doubt there'll be other questions to follow :D

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
29 Авг 2013 23:05

Hi there, had a quick look at these and yes, they definitely have potential. The biggest question here though is:

does the Cobalt 8 user profile integrate with the JomSocial user profile as well as the activity stream?

In essence, I need JomSocial user to search cobalt and set "favorites" within his JomSocial profile - Cobalt is the heart, JomSocial the face :D

I'm going to look more into the personalization feature...

I wish I'd looked at Cobalt 8 before ._. I have hope for the first time in months.



Total posts: 13,748
30 Авг 2013 02:31

fabulous!! And is it possible to link a module to each individual jomsocial profile?

There is integration plugins for JomSocial which can show articles from Cobalt in user profile.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
30 Авг 2013 12:54

does the Cobalt 8 user profile integrate with the JomSocial user profile as well as the activity stream?

I would suggest to outline your project first and then see where your limitations are rather than deciding first on components and trying to adjust your project to them.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
31 Авг 2013 00:01

Just one final question (for now, until I can start working with this) - Is there some link to more detailed documentation. I need to learn a lot more. In particular I need to explore the relationship aspects for future incorporation of the reviews part of the site. I am going through the online documentation as I go along, but there are gaps in my knowledge and I need to study the component in more detail so I don't spend hours driving you guys nuts with my questions:D A more comprehensive documentation / tutorials would greatly assist.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
01 Сен 2013 04:10

Is there some link to more detailed documentation

Try here

Работает на Cobalt