toneee VIP
Total posts: 10
06 Янв 2017 13:38

We see that you have a site wide message that PayPal isn't working. Is there another way we can submit payment in the interim? We wish to subscribe to Emerald 9 to compliment our Cobalt installation.


Последние изменения: 16 Янв 2017

toneee VIP
Total posts: 10
10 Янв 2017 20:37

Hello? I really need Emerald if possible! We chose Cobalt/Emerald with hopes that this would be an all-inclusive solution. With no one responding, we are starting to think this was not such a great idea! Please help!


toneee VIP
Total posts: 10
12 Янв 2017 14:07

What a total disappointment. smh

Total posts: 13,748
16 Янв 2017 05:09

I am sorry for that. I have already eplained you my situation in Skype and other topic. Sorry for delay in response.

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