hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
27 Янв 2015 03:27

Hi Folks,

We have a number of boolean fields in a record, that do not save when editing in Chrome.

Firefox and IE are fine.

We have updated to the latest full release of Cobalt and it didnt help.

Let me know if you need more info.

Cheers, Pete

Последние изменения: 01 Март 2015

Total posts: 1,113
28 Янв 2015 09:03

Check and works fine. Have you use custom joomla template, try use default 'protostar' template.

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
28 Янв 2015 10:07

Hi Konstantin,

We are using 't3_bs3_blank - Default' Template.

I tried it with Protostar and it woks, so something in T3 Blank template is causing the issue! Well spotted - I'll update the template and see what happens, and get back to you..

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
28 Янв 2015 10:19

I have updated T3 plugin and blank template and still the same issue..

erg.. Can you try to replicate with the T3_BS3_blank template ? Its very commonly used!

Cheers, Pete

Total posts: 13,748
29 Янв 2015 09:03

Cobalt do not support Bootstrap 3. With this one you are on your own. There is different bootstrap.js and all CSS are diffrent. We only support bootstrap supported by Joomla.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Фев 2015 03:11

peter.needham Can you try to replicate with the T3_BS3_blank template ? Its very commonly used!

Hello Peter, I can feel your pain. But this is still the biggest issue and dilemma with Joomla!3 core and 3rd-party template frameworks! No matter how many cool features and fx they have... all of them try to replace or add their own BS files + fonts + more extras. Even if you find a BSv2 template framework... you might run into issues!

If you are addicted to Joomlart, you have only these options:

  • Try the blank BSv2 version (although even this one is different to J! core as well)
  • modify Emerald or Cobalt. (only managable with CSS issues, JS is a total different story)
  • the bitter truth: wait for Joomla! 3.5+/4.0 and a possibly better core implementation for any 3rd-party CSS/JS framework)

hwdevteam VIP
Total posts: 76
01 Март 2015 11:59

Hey Pepperstreet,

Reporting back: This is a T3 BS3 template issue. Blank T3 BS2 works fine. I tried it after my last post but forgot to report back here.

I tried to report it to Joomlart but their websites reporting/support page did not work for a while, I switched to T3 BS2, made some adjustments, and all is fine now !

I have not tested Joomla 3.4 with Cobalt and BS3 yet!

Cheers, Pete

Работает на Cobalt