wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
14 Окт 2013 22:22


I can not have more than one type in my section.

If I put 2 types such link does not work, but it gets so here

/index.php/blog #

but when I remove one type so it works how can I get this to work?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
15 Окт 2013 10:37

Stanges that you giv this answer

The template is not Twitter Bootstrap compatible

why cant you fix so its works with 3T framework

how shuld whe offer custommer this when its not work ?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Окт 2013 17:24

Sorry, are you using google or bing translation service? It is very hard to understand the real issue. All I get is:

  • You are using Joomlart T3 framework
  • You have issues with multi-type setup. Do you mean Submission menu links?
  • If not, what is not working for you exactly?

If it is a problem with Section menu -> Submit here links

You might try the module version: Submit Button(s)

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
15 Окт 2013 23:24

What I mean is to my section = home here I have two types one belong to home the other one

belong to blog.

When I use only one type this work and I can wright new article to the front.

But when I put in the other one so I have two types now when I click on the link I get this url

adress index.php/blog #

lok to my attachement off two images the one that work yuo can se the hole text but to the other image that link dont work now you se the small text and that dont work.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Окт 2013 02:50

We cannot fix T# framework. It is not ours. We develop according to Joomla 3 standards and all other things developed with standards should be compatible. But non standard may cause problems and we cannot fix those.

@pepperstreet - dropdown list of types to submit is not working. In fact any dropdowns even controls on gear button.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Окт 2013 09:03

@pepperstreet - dropdown list of types to submit is not working. In fact any dropdowns even controls on gear button.

Joomlart CSS specific or because they are using Bootstrap v2.3.2 ?

If the ladder, you have to investigate further... because J!3.2 does also come with BS v2.3.2

(As far as i remember it in my demos, the T3 v3 BLANK template had no direct issue with dropdowns, but issues with tooltips. The hidden effect was a resulting side-effect. I will check this again...)

Total posts: 13,748
17 Окт 2013 01:57

If the ladder, you have to investigate further... because J!3.2 does also come with BS v2.3.2

Theer is not much difference and it should work without an issue.

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