wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
08 Сен 2013 06:17

When I have uploaded image with image field and go the the section

now I have link to that image to my first page how can I disable this funktion ??

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Сен 2013 17:09

Possible solutions:

A) allow image to open in lightbox. See respective field parameter.

(if a lightbox zoom is applicable for your content type)

B) edit or copy the image field output template.

The output template for list view is found here:


Copy it under a new name e.g. list_nolink.php

Around line# 27++ there is an ELSE and the LINK ... also hence the closing tag in line# 35 !

I simply removed line 27, 28 and the closing a-tag in line 35.

See attachment. Download, unzip and put file here:


Edit your image field parameters and select the new, modified template! Save. Reload website.

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
09 Сен 2013 00:20

thx for this :)

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