wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
02 Сен 2013 23:40

Are this possibly to do and how?

When I have create section Pictures so I wont to use module from joomla that I wont to put this Picture in but I cant se how

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
03 Сен 2013 01:53

Could you try once more to rephrase your question?

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
03 Сен 2013 02:57

What I mean are I create module backsatges to joomla that shuld show

information to my front page.

When I have create new section and types to cobalt after this

I shuld wright the info from this to the module that I just create and showe what I wrigt

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
03 Сен 2013 12:17

Inge ur english is bad... i also did not understand.

U created a section pictures... u want to have a module on the right column that shows pictures randomly from the section you created? Is that what you want?

U should use http://translate.google.com/ and write in ur mother language and translate it to english, i believe you will get answers faster :)

Total posts: 13,748
04 Сен 2013 02:41

I cannot understand your original idea and if I even open your site it will not become more clear. Please use Sunlink's suggestion and use google translate service to create your posts.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Сен 2013 13:24

Featured picture(s) module ?

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