Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
14 Июль 2013 22:28


I wonder if it's possible to change the output of the expiration date.

So, instead of showing

Expire date: 17 juli 2013

I'd like to show:

2 days before expiration

or 2 day left

And when a record has expired:


Best regards,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
15 Июль 2013 06:43

Is this a date field or core record ctime column?

In date field there is formatter called age. But with core field you will need to edit template.

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
15 Июль 2013 06:58

Hi Sergey,

It is a core field.

I really don't know how to achieve this in the template, because this seems like a rather complex date calculation / conversion thing.

Personally I would prefer to use a normal datetime field to act like an expired field, but so far I have only seen the option to override the expiration date when saving. My only worry is when I change the expiration date with the core field, the datetime field won't reflect the change.

Best regards,


Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
15 Июль 2013 07:01

And what happens with a custom expiration field when someone prolongs a record? Does this field get updated automatically?

Total posts: 13,748
15 Июль 2013 07:09

$time = $item->ctime->toUnix();

if($time < time())


echo '<span class="label label-danger">'.JText::_('Expired').'</span>';




$rest = ceil($time - time()) / 86400);

echo 'Another '.$rest.' days';


Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
15 Июль 2013 10:36

Thanks Sergey,

but this doesn't work for me.


I think there's a '(' missing in :

$rest = ceil($time - time()) / 86400); 


This code is using ctime. Since I've overridden ctime with dates that are way back in the past, all my records are expired. I need extime.

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
15 Июль 2013 11:48

This one works:

$time = strtotime("$item->extime");

if($time < time())


echo '<span class="label label-danger">'.JText::_('Expired').'</span>';




$rest = ceil(($time - time()) / 86400);

echo 'Another '.$rest.' days';

    echo $time;


But records that never expire will return also 'Expired' :(

I think it is because when a record is set never to expire, the output is 'never' instead of a real date


Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
15 Июль 2013 21:20

I worked till 3 AM last night trying to solve this.

This morning I figured it out: :)


$time = strtotime("$item->extime");

if($time < time() && $time != NULL)


    echo '<span class="label label-important">'.JText::_('Expired').'</span>';


else if ($time < time() && $time = '-15902')


    echo '<span class="label label-success">VALID</span>';




$rest = ceil(($time - time()) / 86400);

    echo '<span class="label">'.$rest.' days remaining</span>';



Sergey: Do you think this code can be optimized?

Best regards,


Total posts: 13,748
16 Июль 2013 04:42

If it works it looks ok.

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
16 Июль 2013 06:21

Great! Thanks for your help :)

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