degarrin VIP
Total posts: 33
15 Окт 2015 02:30

Hello! In the Categories Module Records Numbers options, there are only two: "do not show" and "number of records in current category." Is there a way to add another option: "number of records in current category and subcategories"? cobalt_module.JPG

I use the ProCategories Category Template from JoomBoost and it has a built-in option under Template General Parameters for Category Records Numbers to set it to "Number of records in current category and subcategories". My group uses the ProCategories Template for several of our Sections, but for a few others we prefer to use the default Cobalt Categories Module instead of setting a Category Template. But because the default Cobalt Categories Module only has options for Category Records Numbers as "do not show" and "number of records in current category," this causes some of the categories to show as "0" when using the module. See here for example: category_module.JPG


I am asking Andi over at JoomBoost as well, but I did not know if it would be possible or simple to change something in the default module.

Thank You! Angela Degarrin

Последние изменения: 20 Окт 2015

Total posts: 13,748
16 Окт 2015 13:14

technicaly it is possible. But in the past it used to be a source of planty of problems with perfomance. So we gave this feature up for the sake of perfomance.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Окт 2015 18:12

Sergey technicaly it is possible. But in the past it used to be a source of planty of problems with perfomance. So we gave this feature up for the sake of perfomance.

Good point. Although I am a real fan of this type of counter and display ;)

BTW, I remember an older ME-Resources project, where I have sum up the values in the custom template. Then displayed and positioned the total on top by CSS. Sure, it did not count any extra records in root section. It is just a total of the separate category values.

degarrin VIP
Total posts: 33
17 Окт 2015 03:57

I understand, no one wants to lose on performance. Well, I heard from Andi over at JoomBoost and he is actually working on a module that includes this option. So I will wait and see what he comes up with and in the meantime I will just use a workaround. Thank you!


Total posts: 13,748
20 Окт 2015 14:18

Another note.

That feature would be not so hard to implement if Cobalt could save article only in cingle category. That would be an instant calculation without an issue. But since article might be in few categories, we need to recalculate through connection table and this breakes all the fun.

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