Total posts: 5
03 Dec 2019 15:45

Right now I'm using Fabric. It has been purchased by a private company and they are not supporting it.

Question about Cobalt:

I have 5 sites using applications / lists / forms. I would like to develop a new list with a form on my development site. Then export the new item and install it on my production sites.

I don't want to export all of the applications, just one.

I scanned the docs. but couldn't find any.

Is this possible with Cobalt?


Last Modified: 06 Sep 2021

Total posts: 13,748
29 Jan 2020 07:40

Yes, it is possible. It is called Pack. You can pack a section and then install it on the other sites.

Total posts: 5
21 Nov 2020 15:23

Mucho - Thanks-o

Total posts: 5
21 Nov 2020 15:26

I searched the documentation.


Do you have a link?

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
21 Nov 2020 15:35

Simply in admin panel of Cobalt find Packer and create pack for selected section

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