pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Jul 2012 21:15

Just noticed the new "Notimoo" style on your homepage. In general, I like it (because it was my own idea ;-) )

The user experience and display is a bit strange:

  • the messages have no close-icon. They contain the item link, but no extra close box. Its not clear that it can be removed from the screen.

  • New notifications are displayed only once! If I follow one link in a certain message and return to the page... ALL notifications are gone!? (They are also lost in the usual message list )

How to improve that...?

My first and rough idea:

Notimoo-style should only mark messages as "read", when they were closed by the user. Please, add a close icon for easier understanding.

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
16 Jul 2012 21:13

because it was my own idea :)

And your ideas are great as usual :)

because it was my own idea :)

  • the messages have no close-icon. They contain the item link, but no extra close box. Its not clear that it can be removed from the screen.

Right. This is what I also did not like. But as I understood notimoo it is a copy of Growl style notifications where concept is to click on any part of notification to close. There is no any option of close button. We have to hack their original JS library to add it and then we lose backward compatibility.

So we have decided to leave it as it is for now, and later maybe change it if there will be demand of modification.

because it was my own idea :)

  • the messages have no close-icon. They contain the item link, but no extra close box. Its not clear that it can be removed from the screen.

  • New notifications are displayed only once! If I follow one link in a certain message and return to the page... ALL notifications are gone!? ( They are also lost in the usual message list )

Yes, this is how it works now. The notification system slowly evolve. When we started we had no intention to create notification list layout. So how to delete notification? Answer when you read it. When you read it? WHen you acces the article with those notifications.

But since we have created notification layout we immediate had to implement read status to notifications. And yes now it raises all sort of questions how to keep them in the list, ...

I think we will improve it in Cobalt 8. Because there is a plan for better socialisation of Cobalt it is highly related. SO we will consider all those question.

because it was my own idea :)

  • the messages have no close-icon. They contain the item link, but no extra close box. Its not clear that it can be removed from the screen.

  • New notifications are displayed only once! If I follow one link in a certain message and return to the page... ALL notifications are gone!? ( They are also lost in the usual message list )

My first and rough idea:

Notimoo-style should only mark messages as "read", when they were closed by the user. Please, add a close icon for easier understanding.

That is how it works. When you close it, it only is marked read but if you go to All Notifications then you can still see all your notifications.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Jul 2012 00:31

I still have problems with my notification module in my test installs. I never got it working. Regarding the workflow: Since there is a list and overview, I expect to see a kind of "archive" of all notifications. Comparable to a message system (PMS). I guess, a notification needs a "status" or something like that. A "flag" that differentiate between a viewed notification, a deleted one, and maybe a notimoo. It should be a difference WHERE i got and found the notification. Call it "context" or something similar... if viewed on the article full view... then it is marked AS READ. and might still be listed. If viewed on another page or section, then mark them ACTIVE. ... mmh, I am still guessing... have to play more with it.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Jul 2012 05:01


Total posts: 20
24 Jul 2012 00:28


I try to explain why you think that there is a problem. When you see Notimoo notification and click on it - it redirects you to article full view. And now Cobalt works so that when you open full article - all notifications related to this article (record edited, comment added, etc) are deleted. If you use default style of module and click on record link - there will be the same.

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