hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
13 May 2020 20:46

Hello Sergey,

I need a new payment gateway for one of the most popular payment gateways of Turkey: İyzico. We have a very clear installation document in English here: https://dev.iyzipay.com/en/checkout-form/initialize

This Iyzico is "Payu Turkey" indeed. So the payment gate that you created for Payu India might be easily modified (I think). How much would you charge and how long would it take?

Kind regards, Hakan

Last Modified: 20 May 2020

Total posts: 13,748
20 May 2020 06:22

Does not look complicated. I estimate it as $50 work, 3 days ETA.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
20 May 2020 06:52

I accept. When can you start? Thank you very much. Please send me the payment link as well.

Total posts: 13,748
20 May 2020 08:40

I am not sure when I can start. Give me some time.

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