stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
04 Jun 2013 12:36

Config not found: C:\xampp\htdocs\portal_principal\components\com_cobalt\configs\default_list_simple_list_pack161f02..json

After submiting record

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 1,113
04 Jun 2013 22:48

This error mean that configs of list template 'default_list_simple_list_pack161f02' not saved. Try save it.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Jun 2013 06:27

In fact it means even more.

It means that you packed section where template parameters was never saved. In fact if you did not change template itself you do not need to pack it. Foe example you pack simple_list. but it is the same on any cobalt what the sense to pack it?

Rules are these.

  1. Only pack templates that was modified.

  2. Attach key to templates only if default templates was modifies without prior copying.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
05 Jun 2013 08:18

It means that you packed section where template parameters was never saved.

I can assure you that section template was saved before packing because i remind of changing it.

It means that you packed section where template parameters was never saved.

Rules are these.

  1. Only pack templates that was modified.

  2. Attach key to templates only if default templates was modifies without prior copying.

Yes template was never modified and i activated key to templates.

I will change pack settings and test again.


Total posts: 13,748
05 Jun 2013 09:12

Yes template was never modified and i activated key to templates.

See, this is my point. You added key to template but now you have to absolutely identical templates and one with pack key postfix. In fact you do not even need to pack this template. Оные turn off list template packing because this template is in every Cobalt.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
05 Jun 2013 09:14

ok thanks for the tip.

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