04 Feb 2020 22:44

My current Developer seems not to have time. My site bases on Cobalt 8 and it is nearly ready. So great to hear that Cobalt 9 is under construction. Do you, Friends, know experienced Joomla developers ? Where can I find them or are there people, who want to have work in the future ? I have asked here help before and found very helpful people. My site is:

Thanks a lot to all. Best Regards.

Last Modified: 05 Feb 2020

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
05 Feb 2020 10:50

Hello this is my email

giorgibulia2e at

you can send me project details and we can discuss it there or you can add me on facebook:

05 Feb 2020 16:51

Thanks a lot Giorgi625. I have now your Contact information. I wrote to you tonight. I didn't login to this Forum , but it is seems to post also as a Guest. I have also a registered name here.

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