Here is the new version of Emerald 9.266 - Joomla membership component.

Enhance - emerald update mechanism table synchronizer

Enhanced new mechanism to update DB structure. Joomla has it's own mechanism but it was proven that with this approach you may fall into all sort of problems. For example you update extension, your ALTER queries was applied, but then something ant wrong and update report failure.

Version of extension is not updated but DB changed are not reverted. If you try to install the same update again, now you have errors that those columns for DB was already created.

Emerald and Cobalt now users absolutely different approach. We were able to implement it because our building process is automated.

During the build we create DB snapshot and save in form of JSON files.

During each install or update, we read those filed and compare DB according to that snapshot, and we create ALTER queries on the fly. This means that new Emerald or Cobalt may update from any version to latest with very high accuracy of DB be exactly like it should be.

Enhance - action - google

Now google analytics Emerald action uses latest Google analytics.js instead of old ga.js. This gives you number of advantages and better analytics reports.

Other changes

  • enhance - Emerald Paypal gateway - A lot of changes like pass shipping address in invoice billing address, recurring payments now understand discount for first period and some other improvements.
  • fix - action - Benchmark Email
  • fix - emerald - Interkassa gateway accept failed

Affected Files

  • Emerald []
  • Emerald Action []
  • Emerald Action []
  • Emerald Easysocial []
  • Emerald Gateway []
  • Emerald Gateway []


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